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The Multipurpose Centre Concept
From a practical perspective, Centre for Total Transformation is doing a commendable job of working with the community through a multipurpose centre concept. CTT believes that a community multipurpose centre acts as a nerve centre for social, economic and spiritual development. Here, differences are laid aside and individuals’ God-given talents and gifts are stirred up by drawing together people from all walks of life regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion or political affiliation. For the orphans and other vulnerable children it is a refuge away from life’s everyday challenges where love, peace and joy are experienced. Physical needs are also met and ultimate values are taught in a non-political and non-religious environment, where men, women, the elderly, the youth and children meet at a social and neutral place in the hope of achieving social accountability.
Centre for Total Transformation has found that participatory workshops, which bring together managers and frontline staff (from different sectors) with community leaders and individual community members as equal participants, can help to break down barriers. Thus enabling people to benefit from different perspectives, identify shared problems and develop shared solutions. These workshops also help to identify who are the key stakeholders in a development project: Who needs to be included and why? Who can help (or hinder)? How to reach those who are difficult to reach?
Participatory methodologies have been used effectively to engage and mobilise community members as agents in their own community development. One successful mechanism is the recruitment of local people as voluntary community facilitators. This draws on local experience and knowledge, enhanced by training for the work and on-going professional support. As an intermediary between the community and professionals, the facilitator needs to be respected and trusted by both sides and to have a real voice in discussions with professionals, while not imposing his own views about what the community should do. While the facilitator may not have a high level of formal educational qualification, he will have good literacy, numeracy skills, excellent communication skills, a real motivation for the work and a background of community involvement, activism and/or enterprise.